Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Professional Resource dealing with Autism

The resource that I ended up using was an unexpected find. The author of one of my featured books is actually the founder of the site, called Autism Today. It was so helpful because it provides many different resources for anyone that has any interest in autism. Also, there are a number of different articles published on the site that discuss a lot of issues surrounding the world of autism.

To see all of the articles, you have to become a member but it is free to become one. Also, the website is a good point of reference for parents and teachers who want to stay informed about autism, as well as find support. Over all, there is an abundance of resources in this one website. And, chances are if this website does not have it, they will have recommendations for places that will have information.

"Home Page." Autism Today. 2007. Autism Today. 1 Dec 2007

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